All About Fairway Architectural Railing Systems

If you’ve been following along on our blogroll, you’ve probably noticed that we’re always proud to sell high quality building materials made in America. If you haven’t been following along on our blog roll, you’ve probably noticed you’re on, which is also pretty self-explanatory. The Fairway Railing we carry is no exception to this rule. They pride themselves on their three main tenets: being smart, architecturally significant, and safe.
Fairway is the authority on railing. Though they certainly could, they don’t want to divert energy on manufacturing any other building product because they feel that it might take away from the precision craftsmanship that goes into making their railings. They want their railing to be installed in smart places that make sense, often creating space and a view at the same time.
Architecturally Significant
It was important for Fairway to recognize that the railing that creates the view also needs to be architecturally significant to that view as well. Whether it’s on a patio, balcony, or protecting a staircase, the railing needs to add something to that scene. Fairway offers many different designs of vinyl railing in order to perfectly fit the view you want to encapsulate.
Most of all, Fairway Railing is safe. They know that your friends, family, and other loved ones will potentially be leaning or in some other way putting their weight on these railings. As a building material, vinyl tends to get a bad rap. Most people just assume the vinyl is the standalone material holding the railing or fencing up, when it’s actually supported by wood. Fairway Railing uses vinyl to basically wrap the wooden post and protect it, because vinyl doesn’t decay nearly as quickly as a piece of wood does – even if the wood has a deck finish and polyurethane coat. With a solid wood base, the horizontal frame and balusters safely hold the weight as you lean on them to take in the view you’ve created.
…and Customizable!
Fairway also offers many different ways to customize your railing with post caps, baluster types, and even glass panes. Thinking about installing railing at your home? Head on over to the Fairway section of our site at for more information and product info!